Blog Posts: New Life Cycles


I just put up lots of MJ’s PDFs – here are links to them:


American Lady

Banded Hairstreak

Red Admiral

Silvery Checkerspot


Henry’s Marsh Moth

Salt Marsh Caterpillar

Artichoke Plume Moth

Yarrow Plume Moth

Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth

Pussytoes Miner Moth

False Boneset Flower Moth

Polyphemus Moth

Fawn Sphinx

Abbot’s Sphinx

Sunflower Tortricid Moth


Stink Bugs


Silphium Gall Wasp


Puffball Beetle


Milbert’s Tortoiseshell – Aglais milberti

In most years this butterfly is fairly common in our part of Wisconsin, but in some years we see hundreds of caterpillars and butterflies.  The caterpillars eat stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), and in peak years the caterpillars can completely decimate the leaves on our nettle plants.

2005 was one of those peak years.  In our July 21 butterfly count, we saw 134.  We would have counted even more if we had walked the driveway earlier in the day, before the sun got too hot.

Caterpillars feed in groups, on top of nettle leaves.

The chrysalis has a beautiful gold sheen.

Adult butterflies

Nectaring on Common Milkweed

And basking on the driveway – where I most often see them.

Butterflies on the driveway – Milbert’s Tortoiseshells along with Red Admiral and Compton Tortoiseshell

Marcie O’Connor
Buffalo County, Wisconsin

Silvery Checkerspot – Chlosyne nycteis

I found numerous small caterpillars on some small sunflower plants that were growing along a path through our woods.   Most of the caterpillars were on top of the leaves.



I brought them home and fed them more sunflower leaves.  The caterpillars had some color variation – I don’t know if it was individual variations, or differences in instars.


After about a week, they began to make chrysalises.  There were two color variations in the chrysalises.  I wonder if it was because of the different materials they were formed on.

This one was formed on the underside of a sunflower leaf.


This one formed on the screening at the top of the cage.


The butterflies hatched about a week later.

Here’s one with its old chrysalis in the background.


And one that’s ready to fly


Marcie O’Connor

Buffalo County, Wisconsin

New Life Cycles

I just put in a big group of MJs PDFs.  Here are the new ones:

Laurel Sphinx

Carolina Sphinx

White Dotted Prominent

Giant Swallowtail

Horned Spanworm Moth

Henry’s Marsh Moth

Zebra Caterpillar Moth

Leadplant Moth

Painted Lady

Common Fungus Moth

Darker-Spotted Straw Moth

We also have a new contributor:  Michael Cook.  He raises silk moths and spins their silk.   He contributed two Giant Silkmoth lifecycles:

Calleta Silkmoth

