New PDFs and a New Page

MJ sent two new PDFs which are now up on the site:

Banded Tussock Moth


Pastinaca Webworm also called Parsnip Webworm.  This is a non-native moth that eats Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) – a very fast spreading exotic that’s fast becomming a big problem in wetlands and along roadsides in the upper midwest.

I’ve also added a new page to the site for questions and information on rearing insects.  We need your help with this!

I’ll put up questions we have, or that people have asked us, and any tips we’ve come up with.  If you have ideas or questions about rearing, please leave them in a comment on this page, and I’ll incorporate them into the text.  We need to learn about better ways of rearing insects in order to better explore and understand their life cycles.

Marcie O’Connor

Buffalo County, Wisconsin